American akita puppy in snow


Bear Dogs – The Akita will tell you everything you need to know about the American & Japanese Akitas. This site was created to help advocate for the breed with the goal in mind, that these dogs will arrive in forever homes with owners they are compatible with, and to help owners better understand their Akitas if running into a bump on the road with them.

This site focuses on the breed’s character, Akita ownership, dog ownership, powerful breed ownership, and many other informative topics. Whether you’re a potential owner or already have an Akita, your best bet to find answers about this breed will come from a knowledgeable owner. 

I offer firsthand knowledge, from one perspective, how you can raise/train/own an Akita and other similar breeds from a knowledgeable and accomplished “dangerous breed” owner. You will get to see how I can raise any of my Akitas to fit in human society and see what it is like to be an owner of these types of dogs. Get the complete answers to who they are. You will never read me saying, “They don’t get along with dogs.” and end it at that. 

There’s more than one way to bring up a dog, but keep in mind that some things do not work well with this breed. You will have limitations compared to your “typical dog”. Sounds simple on the surface, but is very complicated when you have them in front of you in real life.

girl and dog in a poster



Hi, my name is Princess! I know, a pretty cool name knowing the original Akitas were used to guard royalty at one point in time. One thing you need to know about me is…

If you are interested in the Akita breeds then you must find out if these dogs are the perfect fit for you or your family. Bear Dogs – The Akita is here to help and inform you before making the jump. You 100% need to be compatible with them in lifestyle and personality + have the skill level required. Training is NOT all that it takes to be successful, this is what this blog was made to address, an insight into the truth. They are a POWERFUL, INDEPENDENT & PRIMITIVE breed, take your time researching to understand the “why’s”. A canine that is on the dangerous breed list is not something to take lightly. 

Knowing your breed is a HUGE component when training your dog. Why? Because you will alter the training based on your: breed, your dog(s) individual personality, the dog’s issues, and your issues. Many people do not observe these things. The TRUTH is: there’s no “one way” to train a dog. It is common for owners to find a particular training method that will NOT work well with their dog and/or for themselves. To add, it is harder to communicate and build a relationship with a dog you don’t even understand. It can be challenging to find good examples of how people train primitive, dominant, and independent dogs like Akitas.

You certainly do not have to worry about not feeling welcome because you do not own an Akita. No matter what breed someone may have, it does not exempt the fact that they are a dog owner. A lot of the things that I post are universal and are important topics about dog ownership, such as: off-leash dogs, types of training tools to communicate to your dog, hacks, proper socialization, etc. There will be a lot of valuable information and fun topics I will be sharing that do not just apply to Akitas.

Powerful breeds are commonly “Working Breeds” and are categorized into these common classes: guard dogs, livestock guardians, hunting, military, rescue, herding, and many more. The 3 main traits that make them notorious to own and manage:

  • Physical prowess
  • Dominant
  • High drive

Akitas checkmarks these 3 traits (and many more), so you will find valuable information here even if you have a different breed, as there’s a common lifestyle powerful breed owners live by. You will benefit from Bear Dogs – The Akita and understand being an owner of these types of dogs will not be the same lifestyle as you would have with a “normal dog”. Having ALL 3 characteristics is insane for most people to want to live with, not to mention the other traits that can take it to another level. Powerful breed owners have a responsibility to keep their dogs under control. You will notice that many people give these dogs away when they’re no longer puppies.

If you love Akitas check out Bear Dogs – The Akita. I have a lot of cool things that Akita owners would like to know, such as, “How do I get my Akita to play fetch?” Yes, I’ve mastered it, there’s no click-baiting over here! There are a lot more fun and helpful topics I cannot wait to share with you guys. We love Akitas and love talking about them!

Do you like hearing crazy stories of Akita owners encountering off-leash dogs? Akita attacks? How did my Akita react to a registered offender?

Look for the tags: #storytime #akitanews


Do you like hearing crazy stories of Akita owners encountering off-leash dogs? Akita attacks? How did my Akita react to a registered offender?

Look for the tags: #storytime #akitanews


Find everything you need to know about Akitas! AKITAS is where you can find everything related to the breed, ranging from: Akita ownership, personality, lifestyle, liabilities, training tips, and so much more!


Just because you have a specific breed doesn’t mean you should ignore general dog information. DOGS ranges important topics from: dog ownership, how to properly structure children and dogs together, and many more!


Never go into getting a powerful breed without thorough research. There are many types! POWERFUL BREEDS will inform you what it is like to have these dogs in your home, so you can decide whether to get one or not.


“Where’s the less serious stuff?” Well, it’s here honey! I know, it’s a boring name but FUN has everything ranging from: hacks, to fun activities you could do with your dogs, and more!


Don’t know where to start? Or you would like to see the most recent posts and most popular tags? Click here and you’ll find every post that Bear Dogs – The Akita posts every week.


Find how this site is organized and structured so you can have the best experience and find what you are looking for! The most commonly asked questions would be here.


See more of my dogs ONLY on Instagram! Get a peak into my life with my Akitas and I + find fun content! Connect with us in REAL TIME in our stories. I love sharing our walks with you guys, many find dog walks therapeutic!

INSTAGRAM: beardogs_theakita

Get a peak into my life with my Akitas and I + find fun content! Connect with us in REAL TIME in our stories. I love sharing our walks with you guys, many find dog walks therapeutic!



Meet my right-hand girl Bear! Combined with an amazing temperament and training she has developed to be a great representation of the breed everywhere she goes. Bear is a real sweetheart when meeting people compared to a standard Akita, but don’t get it twisted, she will bark if she doesn’t like you or you seem suspicious…

Bear at a university
Mamba the black American Akita as a puppy



Meet my second American Akita, Mamba. He is a young pup and has a long way to go! But oh goodness sake, his paws are bigger than Bear’s! This happens to be great timing, you guys will get to see how I raise an American Akita puppy to behave just as well as Bear…


Find our infographics here on Pinterest! This is great if you love taking in information but value the “bullet points” style + presentation. This is awesome for people who prefer to read quick information before reading the blog.